First ChemNET training Bootcamp completed at SGC in Toronto

The Structural Genomics Consortium in Toronto hosted ChemNET's first Bootcamp for the 2013-2015 trainees. 

ChemNET is an NSERC CREATE training program that provides Chemistry graduate students and post-doctoral fellows the opportunity to gain practical medicinal and biological chemistry experience developing chemical probes for epigenetic proteins in collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry. All of ChemNET's output is open access and will be placed in the public domain with no restrictions. 

On August 22nd, 2014, seven ChemNET trainees from five Canadian institutions completed an intensive four-week Bootcamp at the SGC's labs in Toronto. Trainees completed practical and theoretical training in Structural and Chemical Biology and participated in Professional Development sessions such as Time Management and Networking. During their final week, trainees attended an SGC-organized Epigenetics Symposium on Histone Methyltransferases. 

For more information please visit: 

ChemNET trainees on their final day at SGC-Toronto (L to R): Zafar Qureshi, Venugopal Rao Challa, Starr Dosti, Yun Shi, Yasaman Mahdavi Amiri, Juan Salinas Hernandez, Matt Alteen. 


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