
SGC Oxford wins Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 Rita and John Cornforth Award

The Group led by Professor Chas Bountra, Chief Scientist of SGC Oxford, has been awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry's Rita and John Cornforth Award 2014 for "... world leading collaborative research across the disciplines of structural biology, medicinal chemistry, chemical biology and enzymology towards understanding and exploiting the potential of epigenetics as a target family for future drug discovery". 

SGC Oxford wins Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 Rita and John Cornforth Award

The Group led by Professor Chas Bountra, Chief Scientist of SGC Oxford, has been awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry's Rita and John Cornforth Award 2014 for "... world leading collaborative research across the disciplines of structural biology, medicinal chemistry, chemical biology and enzymology towards understanding and exploiting the potential of epigenetics as a target family for future drug discovery". 

Targeting bromodomains: epigenetic readers of lysine acetylation

Inhibiting bromodomains - which are small interaction modules on proteins that assemble acetylation-dependent transcriptional regulatory complexes - could be a way to alter the expression of disease-promoting genes. In a Nature Reviews Drug Discovery article, the SGC highlights recent developments in the discovery of small-molecule bromodomain inhibitors and discuss how they might be used in cancer, inflammation and viral infection.

SGC and DiscoveRx® Corporation Publish Study Identifying Clinical Kinase Inhibitors that Potently Cross-React with Bromodomain Epigenetic Reader Proteins

The Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) and DiscoveRx Corporation announced the publication of findings demonstrating that several clinical kinase inhibitors also potently inhibit diverse bromodomain epigenetic reader proteins. This study titled “Dual kinase-bromodomain inhibitors for rationally designed polypharmacology”, which appears on-line today in Nature Chemical Biology , suggests compelling new multi-targeting approaches for cancer therapy.


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