
Start MichelaNGLO!

MichelaNGLo is a web-based application co-developed with the Taylor group at the WCHG in Oxford (https://www.well.ox.ac.uk/people/jenny-taylor) to lower the barrier to generating interactive macromolecular structural information for web sites.

Matteo P Ferla, Alistair T Pagnamenta, David Damerell, Jenny C Taylor, Brian D Marsden, MICHELANGLo: sculpting protein views on web pages without coding, Bioinformatics (2020), https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa104

MichelaNGLo will take a PDB code, file, pymol file, protein or gene name as the basis for the visualization, using the NGL Javascript library. Embedded hyperlinks (akin to the original iSee concept) can be incorporated into textual descriptions which trigger view transitions to allow the visualization to change to reflect the underlying text. The results can then be shared or embedded into other websites with minimal effort.

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