

Whether you are in a company, a government institution, or in academia, there are numerous ways for you to get involved.

At SGC, our Target 2035 mission to identify chemical or protein tools for all human proteins relies on diverse collaborations. We invite companies, government institutions, and academia to partner with us. Participants can engage in research collaborations, funding initiatives, and resource sharing. By joining us, you’ll access cutting-edge technologies and a collaborative network dedicated to accelerating drug discovery. Discover the many ways you can get involved.

Joining the SGC as a Member offers the opportunity to influence and govern the overall direction of the consortium and its projects, including Target 2035, and to prioritize your projects within the SGC initiatives.

Organizational Membership

Organizations can become Members of the SGC by contributing €5 million over five years. This funding helps co-fund the overall project, ensures that the SGC focuses resources on targets or areas of priority to you, and supports active collaborations between the SGC labs and Member organization.

Technology Partners

Companies with interest in collaborating on specific aspects of the project, such as computational methodologies or experimental technologies, can join by contributing €2 million over five years. The Technology Partners will have open access to SGC proteins and expertise, the opportunity to collaborate with SGC scientists on projects of relevance to them, and join a large industry network that includes potential collaborators. 

Join the SGC’s Open Data Strategy and contribute to revolutionizing drug discovery in the following ways:

  1. Donate Proteins: Share your purified protein of interest to support large-scale protein-ligand interaction screenings.
  2. Machine Learning: Apply your ML expertise to analyze our datasets and make predictions – we will test them experimentally!
  3. Open Chemistry: Synthesize predicted compounds using advanced chemistry techniques.
  4. Collaborative Research: Engage in joint research projects to tackle complex drug discovery challenges.
  5. Data Analysis: Analyze our datasets and share your findings with the community.
  6. Join CACHE Challenges: Participate in challenges to benchmark your computational methods and improve ML/AI models.
  7. Technology & Other Resources: If you are a company or an academic that has a technology that you think is relevant, collaborate with us to test it at scale and with pharmaceutically relevant proteins.

Our Donated Chemical Probes program is a mechanism for chemical biologists to have their chemical probes vetted for quality by industry and academic experts and then included in a probe set that is shared widely. We invite scientists from academia and industry to donate their validated chemical probes to biomedical research community. Your contribution can accelerate disease understanding and therapeutic development.

Why donate?

  • Advance Science: Share your chemical probes with the global research community
  • Support Open Science: Enable free access to high quality research tools
  • Foster Innovation: Strengthen collaboration between academia and industry

How to donate?

Read detailed information here or reach out to us at

Join Us Today

To explore partnership opportunities, discuss potential collaborations, or learn more about how you can contribute, please contact us at