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SGC launches the Structure-guided Drug Discovery Coalition (SDDC) for tuberculosis and malaria

The Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) recently launched a new scientific public-private partnership in tuberculosis and malaria drug discovery: the Structure-guided Drug Discovery Coalition, SDDC.  Participants to the Coalition include the Seattle Structural Genomics Center for…

Novel structure of a human membrane enzyme sheds light on molecular mechanisms of rare ageing disorders and metabolic syndromes

Laminopathies are a group of rare genetic disorders caused by mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in the building and maintenance of the nuclei of cells. Severe laminopathies such as the premature ageing syndrome pregeria leads to death in the teens from heart disease and other symtoms…

GlaxoSmithKline releases EZH2 inhibitor as part of SGC epigenetics initiative

GlaxoSmithKline has developed a potent, selective, cell-active EZH2 inhibitor, GSK343, and has made this available as a chemical probe as part of the SGC epigenetics initiative.  The histone H3-lysine 27 (H3K27) methyltransferase EZH2 plays a critical role in regulating gene expression, and…
