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Oxford AHSN recognizes the SGC with its annual Public-Private Collaboration Award

SGC wins Oxford AHSN Public-Private Collaboration Award
Shown left-to-right: John Harris (CEO of OBN), Dr. Rab Prinjha (VP of GSK Medicines Research Centre), Chas Bountra (Director SGC Oxford), Dr. Paul Durrands (COO Oxford AHSN), and Dr. Wen Hwa Lee (Director Disease Foundations…

The SGC releases its first crop of TEPs to accelerate drug discovery

Target-enabling packages provide a crucial link between human genetics and disease biology to accelerate drug discovery in cancer and malaria

The SGC has released its first set of Target-Enabling Packages (TEPs) to the scientific community.

There is a growing gap between the number…

The Chemical Probes Portal Reboot

We are pleased to announce that an updated version of The Chemical Probes Portal is now live. Please visit…
